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Web Accessibility Act

The Austrian Business Agency GmbH is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act (WZG)Web Accessibility Act (WZG) () as amended, transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 2016Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 October 2016 () on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (OJ L 327, 2.12.2016, p.1).

Many PDF and Microsoft Office documents, primarily older ones, are not barrier-free. For example, PDF documents are not tagged, so that they can only be insufficiently captured and used by screen reader users or not at all. Accordingly, the Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) success criterion 4.1.2 is not fulfilled. At the present time, no comprehensive change is planned for older, non-barrier-free documents, in light of the fact that a revision of older PDF documents involves a great deal of effort and expense. When it comes to new documents, we are striving to make them as accessible as possible before they are published.

Please let us know if you have any difficulties with specific documents.

Feedback and contact information

The offers and services on this website are improved, changed and extended on an ongoing basis. Its ease of use and accessibility are of great importance to us.
If you encounter barriers which hinder your use of our website – problems not addressed in this declaration, and deficits with regard to adherence to accessibility requirements – please tell us about them by e-mail.

We will examine your enquiry and contact you as soon as possible.

Please address all messages and suggestions to and enter the following as the subject: "Report of a barrier in the website". Please describe the problem and give the URL(s) of the relevant website or document.

Austrian Business Agency GmbH

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